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Dalex - Pa Mí (Remix) Лирицс транслатион то енглисх


For me (Remix)

[ from 'Pa Mí (Remix)' ft. Dímelo Flow, Feid, Sech, Khea, Cazzu, Lenny Tavárez & Rafa Pabön]
[Intro: Sech]
This is the remix
It has to 'the world looking for it
She tells that in my house she is kidnapped. '
A video in my bed cuffing her (Ice)
She says that he wants to stay here
[Pre-Choir: Lenny Tavárez]
69 positions and I leave it
I know, we take like rabbit '
And that's what runs me from you
That bites, that I'm put to you
Let her know
[Bridge: Dalex]
I can not share you
You're like the key to my cell phone (Yeah)
It is not necessary to tell you
[Chorus: Dalex & Lenny Tavárez]
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
[Verse 1: Sech]
I want to make you happy right away
Let's make a trio, you and me and all the life
Is that I don't have you in Insta, is not that you do not follow (Follow)
I want you for me, no matter what they say
Everyone (Everyone), sometimes makes me angry
Tell me what you see, since you are my eyes
Speaking clearly, out of the forty strip to me
But tell him 'they are alive, alive' and not loose '
[Verse 2: Lenny Tavárez]
Faces see each other, hearts do not know '
But I know you until the hair (Until the hair)
Ai, I'll hit you, flow Michel Teló (Teló)
You wanted to crash, then, bad (Bad)
[Pre-Choir: Lenny Tavárez]
69 positions and I leave it
I know, we take like rabbit '
And that's what runs me from you
That bites, that I'm put to you
[Chorus: Dalex & Cazzu]
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
[Verse 3: Cazzu]
Do not confuse 'with my flow, Rosario Tijeras
That no matter how bad I look, I'm not for anybody
I am not the most that gets him or even the most beautiful
But he liked the picket, the flow of this mommy
Neither Gucci nor Prada, no Louis Vuitton
I do not want nothing of that, put your room
I'm going to take you prisoner in my action movie
You will feel in your kisses and in your heart
Baby, who was the one that caused you so much sadness?
It fills you with doubt ', it gives you a headache
If you fight 'with me, I solve it' in the piece
And if it does not arrive, I do it on the table
[Verse 4: Dalex & Rafa Pabón]
And oh, And ah-And ah-And ah, And ah-And ah-And ah-, And ah ...
And now I am the one who puts it to you without condone '
And he can not help it anymore
And if it hurts, let her leave, to me without cojone '
Because he did not know how to take care
Baby, just turn off your phone
Put the Balenciaga,come, let's go
Cojamo 'highway and perdámono'
And as cannibals more eat '
[Coro: Dalex]
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
Verse 5: Feid]
As it sounds, yeh
How are you? I want you for me, but he encourages you
How do you warm me, how do you let go?
Understand that you are mine and I will not lend you, yeah
Follow me and I will follow you
Arriving in Medellin I give you the ring
And to the pirobo of your boyfriend, I hesitate
And to the others, I'm pitching because I'm with you
[Verse 6: Rafa Pabón]
May he keep looking for you that he will not find you
Now you are with me, and he is not going to touch you
And he don't try to force you because he can cost you
And even if I'm not sleepy, I can sleep
This is without talking, because I'm not snoring
But you are mine, you have 'to accept
That now with me is that you will wake up
And only he can imagine you
[Coro: Dalex & Khea]
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
[Verse 7: Khea, (Dalex)]
Like a crazy man he's looking for you-or
You do not realize that you are plowing
Whenever he calls you,you're ignoring him
Because you are with me, baby, tell him
Tell him, that you love me. '
That he was fucked, by other women '
You will not come back for more than I wait for you
And now I am the one you prefer '(Eh, eh, eh)
[Bridge: Dalex]
I can not share you
You're like the key to my cell phone (Yeah)
It is not necessary to tell you
[Chorus: Dalex & Lenny Tavárez, Both]
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
I want you for me, I do not want you for anyone else
Only for myself, I do not share you with anyone (With anyone)
It was by armed force that I stole you (I stole you)
And he i,like crazy, is looking for you (Looking for you)
[Outro: Dalex]
Cool music, baby
Tell me, Flow
Rike Music
Rich Music
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
I want you for me

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Gledaj Emilinu igru

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Emili pokušava ali pogrešno razume
Često je sklona da do sutra zajmi tuđe snove

Nema drugog dana
Pokušajmo drugačije
Pamet ćeš izgubiti i igrati se
Maj ske igre besplatne
Emilinu igru pogledajte

Emili plače ubrzo nakon mraka
Zvera u drveće zbog tuge se ne oglašava do sutra

Nema drugog dana
Pokušajmo drugačije
Pamet ćeš izgubiti i igrati se
Maj ske igre besplatne
Emilinu igru pogledajte

Plašt do zemlje zagrni
Za navek rekom plovi

Nema drugog dana
Pokušajmo drugačije
Pamet ćeš izgubiti i igrati se
Maj ske igre besplatne
Emilinu igru pogledajte

Sve je kako treba

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

O, malena dušo
Znaš bio sam daleko
O, dušo malena
Doći ću danas
Zar to ne znaš

U redu je sve
(Dušo, sve kako treba je)
Sve je u redu
(Tako dobro da znao sam da ćeš hteti)
Sve dobro je
(Sve je kako treba dušice)

Da te držim za ruku dozvoli mi i da budem tvoj čovek voljeni(celu noć)
Da te držim za ruku dozvoli mi i da budem tvoj čovek voljeni(celu noć)
Da te držim za ruku dozvoli mi i da budem tvoj čovek voljeni(celu noć)

O, malena bebo
Znaš daosećam se baš dobro
O, bebo malena
Da mogu nisam znao nikada
A da li si to znala

U redu je sve
(Dušo, sve kako treba je)
Sve je u redu
(Tako dobro da znao sam da ćeš hteti)
Sve dobro je
(Sve je kako treba dušice)

Pusti da ljubav ti dam ko što ne može niko (u redu)
Pusti da ljubav ti dam ko što ne može niko (u redu)
Pusti da ljubav ti dam ko što ne može niko (noć celu, u redu)

Da te držim za ruku dozvoli mi i da budem tvoj čovek voljeni
Da te držim za ruku dozvoli mi i da budem tvoj čovek voljeni
Da te držim za ruku dozvoli mi i da budem tvoj čovek voljeni

Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
To je-voleti te
(Mora da si bila ti
Celu noć ću te voleti)
Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
To će biti dobro za tebe

U redu je sve
(Dušo, sve kako treba je)
Sve je u redu
(Tako dobro da znao sam da ćeš hteti)
Sve dobro je
(Sve je kako treba dušice)

Pusti da ljubav ti dam ko što ne može niko (u redu)
Pusti da ljubav ti dam ko što ne može niko (u redu)
Pusti da ljubav ti dam ko što ne može niko (noć celu, u redu)

Sve je kako treba
Sve je kako treba

Једини преживели

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Склон сам тој грозници
Која гори у мојој глави
Премного сећања
Без иједне сузе
Ко ми је отео циљеве?
Моји другови борци
су залутали.

Како могу знати шта други мисле о мени?
А како други могу знати која је моја мера?

Једини преживели
од ненајављеног убиства
Израз своја осећања
Твоја песма се не чује
Једини преживели.

Као браћа смо делили
Светлост у тами
Потпуно помешано
Одважно и поносно
Али постало је све интригантно
И сада је већ прекасно
Време носи ватру, страх, похлепу и мржњу

Сада плачем
Сломљен на комаде
Све што налазим
Одавно је умрло.

Једини преживели
од ненајављеног убиства
Израз своја осећања
Твоја песма се не чује
Једини преживели.
Мој је глас без звука
Зли злостављачи
Одузимају ти земљу
Једини преживели


Једини преживели...

Савршени господин

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Нема сумње око тога
Ја сам јединствен, душо
Ја сам д'Артањан од срца
Као што видиш, слаткишу

Ја говорим очима
Ходам различитим стилом
Ја сам оргиналан

Да, ја сам
Ја сам савршен господин
Да, ја сам
Ја сам савршен господин

Клекни, удахни мој мирис
Хајде, пољуби ми руку анђеле
Усуди се да истражиш моје квалитете
Потруди се да ме заслужиш, мон шери

И моји ветрови надмашују мирис
Ја сам харизматичан у пуном цвату
Ја сам оргиналан.

Да, ја сам
Ја сам савршени господин
Да, ја сам
Ја сам савршен господин
Да, ја сам, ја сам
Да, ја сам (савршен)

Ох Господе, шта да радим?
Не могу да одолим сопственом одразу!
А како тек некоме другом?

Зато што сам

Да, ја сам (савршен)
Да, ја сам (савршен)
Ох, ја сам (савршен)

Да, ја сам
Ја сам савршен
(Ох Господе, јесам ли луд?)
(Да, ја сам)
Ја сам савршен господин

Да, ја сам (савршен)
Ја сам савршен господин
Да, ја сам (савршен)
Ја сам савршен господин
Да, ја сам (савршен)
Ја сам савршен господин

Ја сам
Ја сам савршен господин
Да, ја сам
Ја сам савршен господин
Да, ја сам